Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell Swing

cardio / compound


Get Started With Kettlebell Swing

  • 1

    Stand straight up with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart.

  • 2

    Grab the kettlebell with two hands and keep your arms straight and shoulders pushed together.

  • 3

    Lower the kettlebell while unlocking your hips, allow the kettlebell to drop between your legs.

  • 4

    Thrust your hips to pop up and use momentum to swing the kettlebell upward toward shoulder height.

ShouldersLatsLower backAbsObliquesForearmsGlutesQuadsHamstrings


Amazon Basics Cast Iron Kettlebell Weight
Amazon Basics Cast Iron Kettlebell Weight
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Yes4All Vinyl Coated Kettlebell Weights, Weight Available: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 Lb - Strength Training Kettlebells for Weightlifting, Conditioning, Strength & Core Training
Yes4All Vinyl Coated Kettlebell Weights, Weight Available: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 Lb - Strength Training Kettlebells for Weightlifting, Conditioning, Strength & Core Training
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Bowflex SelectTech 840 Kettlebell
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Bionic Body Soft Kettlebell with Handle for Weightlifting, Conditioning, Strength and core Training
Bionic Body Soft Kettlebell with Handle for Weightlifting, Conditioning, Strength and core Training
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